Bridging the Gap One Soldier at a Time
Send a Welcome Package to a Newly-drafted Soldier
Graduation Kit: Donate a bag, notebook, and shirt when they finish training​
Donate a Food Voucher: Help a Soldier Going Through a Hard Time
Holiday Assistance: Help a Soldier Make Ends Meet for the Holidays
Alumni Event: Get the Gang Back Together by Sponsoring an Alumni Event
Throw an Oneg Shabbat for the Entire Unit on Base
Career Exploration Day: Support a soldier's career exploration tour​
Sponsor Vocational Testing for 10 Veteran Soldiers
Alumni Event: Get the Gang Back Together by Sponsoring an Alumni Event​​
Education: Sponsor a year of education for a Chetz Alumnus
if you would like to donate via check, PEF, DAF or a different method, please contact us​​
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Chetz Association!